Armageddon Cherubim

The 7th Trumpet sounded and the last war began. Cherubim from Heaven descended upon the earth ready to battle the forces of Hell, and that was the last thing we remembered before the rapture.

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Dawn of Mortality

Struck down in agony, the angel falls, stripped of his splendor and heavenly position…all because he cannot accept the will of his creator.

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The trumpet sounded and the heralds arrived, bearing The Word. But we did not have to be told what it was, for the choir’s descent could have meant only one thing.

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Devil’s Advocate

It’s easy, making a deal with the Devil. He can get you anything, no matter how rare or deadly. It matters not who suffers or what truth is lost. All that matters is he wins. You will be paid handsomely…and pay dearly.

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Hel Hath No Fury

It is said “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. But what if Hell and the woman are the same?

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The Devil’s Bride

She was chosen to be a depiction of perfect femininity. Created to be loved, adored, respected, protected, and provided for. But she decided to rely on herself and the world instead of trusting in the plan of her Creator, destroying her value and throwing her lot in with Asmodeus.

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The Queen and Her Retinue

The Devil has many followers and adorers, but none of them are among the Fallen Angels. No, they follow another: the Queen. Once a mortal woman, now among the Damned, propped up by the Devil himself, she thinks herself the most loved and powerful. How cruel the Devil’s jokes can be…

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The Queen of Hell

There are many brides of the Devil, and many false queens of Hell, but just like how the Savior’s mother is the Queen of Creation, so too does Lucifer have a regina. Once an angel of humility and service, but turned proud by the Rebellion, his darkness has elevated her station in mockery of the Divine.

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