Delving into the INTJ’s Shadow

Good news, everyone! MBTI is a very complicated topic. Back in 2015 when I first got my job writing articles for 16Personalities, I was pretty cocky and thought learning about MBTI would be a breeze. And to an extent, it was…for 16P. But I had no idea what sort of rabbit hole I would fall…

What Does an INTJ Want for His Birthday?

Good news, everyone! So, this past Monday was my birthday. I turned 32. And because using real life as inspiration for my blogs is easier than trying to come up with original material, I decided to answer the question what does an INTJ want for his birthday. This one is going to be a little…

What Do INTJs Think of Money?

Good news, everyone! So, a few months ago, I wrote a bunch of blog drafts in preparation for my triumphant return to blogging. One of those blogs was about INTJs and investing because one of the things I got into during quarantine was finances—I learned about money, stocks, gold, fiat currency, and I even read…

How to Love Your INTJ and How They Love Back

Good news, everyone! So, last week I covered why INTJs are loners. This week I’m flipping the script, and since Valentine’s Day is this weekend, I’ll be talking about how to love your INTJ and how they love back. Originally, the plan was to only talk about how to love your INTJ, using the type’s…

Why INTJs Are Loners

Good news, everyone! So, INTJs are loners, but why are they loners? Initially, I wrote a blog covering this about 2-and-a-half years ago on my original blog. I came up with six reasons why INTJs are loners. They were (Constantly) Misunderstood, Don’t Understand Everyone Else, Prefer the Inner World, Kind of Assholes, Too Intense for…

An INTJ Reviews The Science of Getting Rich

Good news, everyone! So, among the small pile of Christmas gifts I received this year was a little book called The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, originally published in 1910. I heard about it through a few entrepreneurial channels on YouTube. Unfortunately, there is very little science in the “science of getting…

Double Feature: What Dog Breed are INTJs and Why Do INTJs Hate Themselves?

Good news, everyone! So, last week’s blog was pretty intense. It was really long and did a number on me. Not just intellectually, but it also messed with my life, too. For those who don’t know, last week’s blog was my review of the Enneagram. You can read it here. But, anyway, because last week’s…

An INTJ Reviews the Enneagram

Good news, everyone! So, I’ve spent a lot of time in the world of MBTI, researching my type of INTJ. As a result, I want to know more about myself and personality typing, just in case MBTI doesn’t cover it all. So, for Christmas I asked for the book The Essential Enneagram by David Daniels,…

What Do INTJs Look For in a Romantic Partner?

Good news, everyone! So, INTJs are perhaps one of the most solitary creatures in the world, a fate that seems both predestined and chosen. And while INTJs can survive—and some even thrive—in a solitary existence, there are some who are still susceptible to romance, and some who even desire it. After all, the ache to…